Courses Given

Speech and Language
Difficulties in Classroom.

Talking to Babies’ – Language Development 0-3 years’

Level 1 Course:  Talking to Children

Level 2 Course:  ‘Language Difficulties in Young Children’


Birth to Three Matters’ training and planning

‘Multi-Sensory Learning’
: Different Pathways to achievement’


‘The Role of the SENCO’ – (2 day course for Early Years Practitioners)


‘Storytelling’ – (collaborative course with Croydon Children’s librarians, supporting storytelling skills and use of good children’s books)


‘Look who’s Listening – responding to observations and ‘next steps’ planning.
Helping your Dyslexic Child – Literacy Centre Course for parents (2 sessions)

Speech and Language Difficulties and Dyslexia: Language Comprehension and Writing. – 2002, 2003.

Assessment and Teaching of Specific Learning Difficulties.

(20 week course).

Raising Awareness of the Dyslexic Child.

Speech and Language Difficulties in the Classroom.
Language Comprehension Difficulties.


Early Literacy Intervention Programme (ELIP).

(Development and Inset).

‘L.C.’ – A Literacy Continuation Programme for Year 2 children.

(Development and Inset).

Practical Spelling Strategies.

Children with Special Needs in the Classroom
Early Literacy Development (ELIP).