Courses Available Now
Speech and Language - Difficulties in Classroom.
Talking to Babies – Language
Development 0-3 years.
Multi-Sensory Learning - Different Pathways to achievement.
The Role of the SENCO in Early Years Settings – 6 half-day sessions for Early Years
Storytelling – supporting storytelling skills and use of good
children’s books.
Look who’s Listening–
responding to observations and ‘next steps’ planning.
Helping your Dyslexic Child – 2-part course for parents.
Speech and Language Difficulties and
Dyslexia - Language Comprehension and Writing.
Raising Awareness of
the Dyslexic Child
Disability Discrimination Act - SEN and the Law.
Guided Reading in Key Stage 1 - Planning and implementation.
Story Boxes - Support for language development.
Table Top Talking - Support for language development and language comprehension.
Transition from Reception to Year 1 - Effective policy and practice.
Observation, Assessment and Planning in the EYFS.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy - Maths in the Early Years.
Enabling Environments - Getting it right for chldren in Early Years.
Boys' Learning - How to deal with superheroes.
Raising Awareness of Children with Autism.
Dealing with Childrens' Emotional and Behavioural Difficutlies in the Early Years.
Revised EYFS for 2013- Tracking progress and data submission.
Letters and Sounds Phonics - Phases 1-6 training for teachers and classroom assistants.
Letters and Sounds Phase 1 - Teaching and Tracking Aspects 1-7.