



Early Literacy Intervention Programme – ELIP (2003 SENSS) Rick.


Still in use in Croydon, this is a complete package that brings children with literacy problems back into mainstream capabilities.



Letters and Sounds

Guided Reading

Book Awareness
*re-telling a story
* identifying main characters
* fiction and non-fiction
* sequencing

R – 1, 4, 5, 7, 8
LCT – 1, 5,


*re-telling a story
* identifying main characters
* fiction and non-fiction
* sequencing


Word Aware
* verbs
* environmental print.
* Blending sounds together

R- 2, 3, 6,
W- 7

* Blending sounds together;
Phase 1, Aspect 7 and Phase 2, 3.
* Phases 5 and 6,
suffixes and doubling rule.

*Verbs and tenses
* environmental print.

Phonological A.
* Alliterative jingles.
* same and different.
* first and last sounds in words.

LSL – 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,

* Phase 1, Aspect 1-3,
5 and 7.
* Phases 2 and 3.

GR – phonic focus (SVR).

Letter/Sound Knowledge

LSL – 3

Phases 1-4.
(L & S covers 44 phonemes + words with adjacent consonants).


Reading Strategies

LSL – 2
R- 6, 7,


* Reading behaviours (GR)
* Phases; 2,3,4.



W- 1, 2, 3, 5,
LSL - 3

Phases; 2 - 6


Speaking and Listening
Book Awareness;
*picture discussion
*add own ending

All LCT strands.

Phase 1.




Book Awareness

1. Handles books appropriately;

2. Responds to sharing books with others.
In small groups
In larger group.

3. Re-tells stories in fair sequence.
Can identify main characters.

4.  Can make a prediction of what may happen in a story.

5. Can tell a story using picture prompts.

Word Awareness

1. Makes links that words carry meaning.

2. Makes use of environmental print.
Can begin to recognise some of the first 45 HFW.

3. Follows print with finger.
Match some spoken words with written words.

4.  Can anticipate certain words.
Can respond if word is omitted in familiar stories.

5. Identify words that rhyme by written pattern.
Can give more examples.
Can read 45 HFW.

Phonological Awareness

1. recognises alliteration.
Can offer more words.
Can hear beats in words.

2. Can hear when words rhyme.
Can generate more words.
Can clap 2/3 beats in a word.

3. Hears initial sounds in words.
Hears final sounds in words.
Can hear mid sounds in CVC words.

4. Blends 2 sounds together.
Blends 3 sounds together to read CVC words.

5. Blends 3 sounds together;
when reading
segments when writing.

Letter/Sound Knowledge

1. Recognises some letters in own name.
Letters in last name.

2. Knows some letter sounds.
Refers to frieze of picture cue.

3. Knows some letters without reference.
Can write some letters.

4. Knows all letter sounds without reference.
Knows 44 sounds.

5.  Can write all letters correctly formed.

Reading Strategies

1. Recognises repetition in text.
Re-tells familiar stories.

2. Follows print randomly with finger under whilst telling a story.

3. Follows print with finger under each word.
Starts to use initial sounds for some words.

4. Uses picture cues to help read stories.

5. Reads some words with meaning.
Begins to decode and self-correct.


1. Makes random marks on paper.
Spiral shapes etc.
Awareness that marks carry meaning.

2. Makes letter like shapes.
Awareness that writing consists of repeated movements.

3. Writes random letters.
Writes known letters.
Sometimes aware of page layout.

4. Uses initial sounds in writing.
One letter to represent a word.
Uses random letters.

5. Consistent use of initial letter sounds.
Use of dominant sounds
Uses final sounds.